One of the great things about In-App Purchase and Subscription is that they bring bigger and recurring monetization opportunities through upselling and generating commitment within the application itself rather than through other sales channels.
For example, In-App push messages can present to a free-trial user a premium but inaccessible feature such as access to recently released movies. If convinced by the potential benefit that’s waiting behind the paywalls, the user will simply press a button on the screen to either subscribe or buy to gain premium access.
Because of the simpler link between the marketing, sales, and delivery process compared to the work of selling physical things, In-App Purchase and Subscription can be an extremely attractive business model for app owners.
But succeeding with this business model can involve layers of work that require technical capacity, time, money, as well as business know-how and insight:
This 14-page whitepaper provides an ultimate guide to defining your product type, making the In-App Purchase work, avoiding rejections, and maximizing revenues.
Download the White Paper to learn how to master the use of In-App Purchases and In-App Subscriptions on iOS and Android.